Wednesday, 31 July 2013

WIP Marathon Intro!!

Marathon Goal
To finish the first draft of my currently nameless novel. It would be nice to find it a name but, let's be honest, I could name it now for the sake of achieving my goal. After all, I am that competitive. Instead I'll christen it with the right name at the right time.

Stage of Writing
I have 18,000 words and I anticipate about 45,000 to the finish.
Is that do-able on one month? I guess we'll find out!

What Inspired this work?
I have no idea. The main character is claiming to be royalty and there are a few discussions about pros and cons of the royal family in Britain. So, was this book inspired by all the publicity around Kate, Will and dear little George. If the answer is yes then it only happened in my subconscious. There are also Somali pirates in the first few chapters. probably because I love taking preschool ideas and building them into something for older children. So, a book with pirates and princesses that's set in the gritty real world.

What Might Slow me Down?
Two young children and the Summer holidays.
I still haven't finished polishing my submission for Undiscovered Voices 2014.
I am taking a church service on Sunday the 11th August and I haven't finished preparing for that either.
In fact when I list all of the above I wonder why I am doing this.


  1. You're doing it because, even if you don't reach your goal, you will most certainly have worked toward it, and that might be more than you would've accomplished had you not committed to this. Did that make sense? It made sense in my head. :-) Anyway, best of luck to you!

    --Amanda Shayne

  2. It's sometimes best to set goals, just to have something to work towards. Good luck!
    Here's my Intro Post

  3. Don't doubt yourself--you have an awesome goal, and with all the encouragement coming your way, you can do it! Good luck!

  4. "Instead I'll christen it with the right name at the right time." <-- good call, I reckon! The right name will occur to you at the right time! I use working titles, but leave it open to changing it once it's done, because only then do I really know what I've been writing about! Hehe. Best of luck! :D

  5. Thanks for all the encouragement. Hopefully tomorrow I'll actually get a few words on the page. Not tonight though, it's 23.36 in UK and I am pooped!

  6. I like your approach to naming novels! 45k is totally doable, don't let anyone tell you any different :) Good luck writing!

  7. Very very timely topic! Sounds like it could be tons of fun. Good luck!

  8. Pirates + Princesses is a great focus -Good luck meeting your goal!
