Monday, 30 September 2013

WIPmarathon - the illegal check-in

I'm feeling guilty for not blogging for a few weeks. please forgive me, especially since I could have posted this two weeks ago!

First draft of my Albinia novel completed: word count 52,500 words.
Enough to count as a novel in the mslexia novel writing competition, yippee and in October it will be winging its way to the Times/Chicken House children's fiction competition.

Second draft also completed. Amazing, huh? I think I was just in the zone after the marathon in August (if you don't know what I'm talking about check out Ifeoma Dennis' blog or #wipmarathon on twitter. I believe there is another one happening in December.)

Newsflash number two:
It is now my Ophelia novel as my very lovely SCBWI critique group think Albinia is too like the name Albania. Sad to say goodbye to Albinia but think Ophelia could be an even stronger name. Let's hope so.

The book is now entitled:
The Hunt for Ophelia,    In line for the throne, on the run for her life.
(Gives me goose bumps every time I say it.)

Elevator pitch is almost good enough for the SCBWI agent's party that I'm attending on Thursday. I'm really hoping that I don't make an idiot of myself in front of too many agents. Especially as Madeleine Milburn will be there!

What's next for Ophelia?
She needs a synopsis - please shoot me now!
and I need to finish my third draft now that my critique notes are in from my three chosen victims. God bless anyone who agrees to critique an entire book for a buddy, it's a big job.

What's next for the blog?
I shall try and update more regularly. I'll definitely be putting up a report on the SCBWI agent's party event, I have a few book reviews I'd like to add, a list of my top ten modern picture books and who knows what else....

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