Almost a week ago now I dabbed on a bit of make-up, tarted up my hair and donned my cool clothes that let people know I can relate to teenagers. Why? Time to meet some of those elusive agents and pitch my WIP!
The SCBWI agents party took place at the Frontline club in Paddington, in an upstairs room complete with bar and canapes. Before the night I read several emails telling me to 'remember that agents are people too and talk to them about something other than writing'. On the day we all waited patiently tilla fter the panel discussion and then queued up like a scene from parents day, waiting for our chance. No time for chit chat, pitch the book, smile, wait to hear if there are good comments, bad comments or just a request to submit through the usual channels and move on.
Does it sound dull? I hope not, it was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life! I have been desperate to pitch my book in the flesh for some time now, an opportunity to show my flashy, energetic and marketable side. I pitched to five of the eight agents and left on an adrenaline high. After a week of sending out submissions I can now reflect on the panel discussion.
SHOCK no. 1: All eight panel agents claim to hardly ever read synopses and contrary to every advice website I've ever read they say they don't want spoilers! After pitching to one panel agent I was asked to send in my manuscript and when I revealed that I have not yet written a synopsis she said to just type out my pitch. Really? That takes you to the end of chapter five? Hey, you guys are the agents and I am only too happy to reduce my synopsis writing to two hundred words.
SHOCK no. 2: When asked about submitting to multiple agencies all the panel agents said they would prefer an exclusive submission although they wouldn't expect it. I thought that was something agents said in the middle ages and some of the non-panel agents seemed to agree with me on this. Hmm, maybe I did talk about things other than my book.
Great evening. Agents are real people and super friendly but they don't have as much time for chit chat as you might thing. Book your ticket early next year, the party sold out super quick.
I like this entry, Jo. It's interesting and very readable!